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IRP              Assemble Once for Each Parameter                   Directive

  IRP dummyname, <parameter,,,>

    Causes the assembler to assemble statements once for each parameter in
    <parameter,,,>, replacing all occurrences of dummyname with the
    current parameter on each iteration.

       Notes:     Any number of parameters may be given, and dummyname may
                  be used any number of times within statements.  If the
                  parameter list is empty, no statements are assembled.
                  If, however, the null parameter is specified (<>), the
                  dummy name is replaced with a null value.

                  The angle brackets around parameter are required and if
                  more than 1 parameter is specified, they must be
                  separated by commas.

                  The parameter can be any legal symbol, string, numeric
                  or character constant.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson